"I'll sing my song!" (Fritz Baltruweit / Barbara Hustedt) - Under the motto of this year's women's group meeting in the church district of Hanau-country. It will be held on
Sunday 3 April 2011.
We begin by 14 clock with a church service in the Protestant. Church Erlensee-Langendiebach, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. The focus of this service will be Miriam, the sister of Moses. She sings God after the crossing of the Red Sea a song of thanks. Musically, this service is designed from the singers singing the leisure of the church district of Hanau-country under the leadership of the Bezirkskantorin Rike Alper man-wolf. Following
because we walk on Ev. Municipal House Erlensee-Langendiebach, Froebel 5-7, where waiting for all participants of the meeting Mrs circle coffee and cake. Please bring a coffee mug! 16 clock us the gospel choir "Gospel Ostheimer Family makes it sound, and vibration and invites us to sing along. Together we will sing our song and God a lot about gospel music and the life stories they tell.
We ask for a registration to 14 March 2011 at Mrs. Nachtigal, Tel 06184-12 15
The cost is 4, oo €. He has to be paid locally.
Sunday 3 April 2011.
We begin by 14 clock with a church service in the Protestant. Church Erlensee-Langendiebach, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. The focus of this service will be Miriam, the sister of Moses. She sings God after the crossing of the Red Sea a song of thanks. Musically, this service is designed from the singers singing the leisure of the church district of Hanau-country under the leadership of the Bezirkskantorin Rike Alper man-wolf. Following
because we walk on Ev. Municipal House Erlensee-Langendiebach, Froebel 5-7, where waiting for all participants of the meeting Mrs circle coffee and cake. Please bring a coffee mug! 16 clock us the gospel choir "Gospel Ostheimer Family makes it sound, and vibration and invites us to sing along. Together we will sing our song and God a lot about gospel music and the life stories they tell.
We ask for a registration to 14 March 2011 at Mrs. Nachtigal, Tel 06184-12 15
The cost is 4, oo €. He has to be paid locally.
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